Roosters are crowing, the atmosphere in the room is getting warm, and lights are blinding me. I must have left the tinted window open. I open my eyes and observe my surroundings. My sister and her son are still asleep, and so I reached for my phone to check what time is it. It is 6 am, and so I stand up and make my bed. I always go to the bathroom to urinate and proceed to the balcony. Winds are starting to get so cold, and that reminds me that Christmas is coming and so I will finally get to be with my parents, nephews, and nieces. I stare at the scenic view of our balcony, seeing the empty vast of rice fields and birds flying around. The province life suits me well and has given me peace more than I deserve.
I start to roll my yoga mat and proceed to my core workouts routine. Exhausting from the exhilarating exercise, I walk to the bathroom preparing my water for a bath. Water runs down to the tub and dipping my hands to check the temperature. Showering in the morning is always feels so refreshing, it gives me the feeling of revitalizing your whole existence and gearing up your body for another weary battle of the day. Pack and geared up, I made my way downstairs to meet my uncle making our breakfast with the help of our maid. I made my hot chocolate and sat at my spot at the dining table. Smelling my breakfast and having no time to spare, I start consuming my meal. With a satisfied appetite, I made my way to my workspace and prepared my computer and things for my online morning class. As it initializing to process, made my way to freshen up things to look presentable enough for my classes. Four hours of interacting online, I take my lunch when my uncle, sister, nephew, cousin, and the maid has prepared it on the table, and so we eat together in silence. After a few takes, I continue to work on my space for my classes. Another tiring four hours had passed, and I shall start making my homework and projects. With my spare time, I visit my freelance site where I work as a copywriter and gain enough money to support my allowances. When the maid has knocked my door, the sign has given for our evening meal. We eat together again in silence or sometimes with a couple of small talks. Finishing my last bite, I usually contemplate how to spend my evening. Should I complete my schoolwork, do some freelance task, or relax and read my current book the series of A Song of Ice and Fire. Yet, I mostly end up reading and captivate by the whole universe made in the book while I babysit my nephew while my sister is prepping up to sleep. With my productive yet seems unproductive day, I am sooner asleep before It came to my mind. And that is how my day usually goes.